Bereavement Counselling for Families
Pre Bereavement Counselling
Systemic Family Sessions with all members of the family.
Taboos around talking about death make it a difficult to talk about with the terminally ill person and family. It is obviously an awkward and emotionally charged topic and preparing children for the loss of a parent or grandparent is a painful and difficult conversation to have and often one that many would prefer to avoid. Talking about death in an open, respectful conversation brings about therapeutic change in itself. Final conversations between the terminally ill and their family members can help individuals begin the grieving process while their terminally ill loved one is still present and can help in the process. It can also help family members move on after the death without regret because nothing was left unsaid.
Post Bereavement Counselling
Systemic Family Sessions with all members of the family.
Everyone grieves in their own unique way, this is a painful and difficult process. family members may be protecting each other and hiding away their grief. The bereavement experience due to the loss of a family member leads to both individual reactions, may be at different grieving phases. Family members will also be undergoing the natural re-structuring of the family system, the dynamics, boundaries, communication, and role negotiations. All these factors may cause friction and arguments which can heighten everyone’s stress and anxiety levels. Systemic Family Practice has the potential to increase family communication, shared coping strategies, and assist the bereaved family in a process of positive grief resolution.